In the yoga scene, Reiki, a healing method by laying on of hands, is also a big topic and very popular. But what exactly is Reiki and how can you learn more about it if you are interested? I talked to my friend Ann-Kristin about this.

I met Ann-Kristin during a weekend at the Yoga Vidya Ashram in the Westerwald, where we shared a dormitory. We quickly realized that we had great chemistry, and have managed to stay in touch over the years. During this time, she also trained in Reiki, up to Grade 2. For you, she answered some questions for me about this exciting topic.
Dear Ann-Kristin, please introduce yourself briefly to the readers.
My name is Ann-Kristin, I am 33 years old and live with my partner in Detmold in the Teutoburg Forest.
I’m a physiotherapist, yoga teacher, cat lover and expecting my first child in March 😊
Can you tell us more about what Reiki actually is?
Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that was discovered and spread in Japan by the Buddhist monk Dr. Mikao Usui. Reiki includes ethical rules of life, meditation and healing through touch. The healing Reiki energy is transferred by the Reiki practitioner to the recipient through the laying on of hands on various areas of the body.
In one sentence I would say: Reiki is a healing energy work by laying on of hands.
Healing is, after all, a very broad field. Where would you say Reiki can start well? Or to put it another way: When would you say a treatment is worthwhile?
Traditionally, Reiki can be used for all somatic complaints.
I especially recommend it for states of exhaustion and or restlessness. However, Reiki can be used as a supplement to support or stagnate healing processes. In this case a very regular therapy is recommended. Otherwise Reiki can also be used prophylactically to improve energy flow and vitality.

How did it come about that you started a Reiki training?
I became aware of Reiki through my partner Ronald, who had already completed the first degree when we met and gave me my first Reiki treatment. Motivated by the soothing and regenerating effect, I then regularly went to Reiki exchange evenings for practitioners and lay people and then decided to get initiated as well.
How did the training proceed?
The training for the 1st degree was only 2 days.
Here, the introduction to the Reiki teachings and philosophy and the practical teaching of self-treatment and treatment by others took place.
Most important, however, is the initiation, a kind of initiation that connects one with the Reiki energy. This Reiki initiation can be compared to the mantra consecration in yoga. Here a gate is opened, which facilitates one’s access, here to the Reiki energy.
My teacher additionally recommended me to do a self-treatment every day for the following 21 days in order to become confident in the application and to promote the flow of energy. The more often you practice, the more you perceive the energy flow.
I did the 2nd degree training about 4 years later. Here the initiation into the 3 Reiki symbols takes place, after which one is also qualified to perform remote treatments.
There is also the possibility to complete a 3rd degree, the so-called Master degree. Here follows the initiation into the Master symbol and the ability to initiate others into Reiki as well. So this degree is a master and teacher degree.

What is the most important aspect you took away from your training?
The most important thing I experienced during the training, but especially during the time of Reiki practice afterwards, is the increased sensitivity and perception for energies.
Also, the realization that the life energy we use in this technique is infinite and available to everyone.
Are you currently practicing Reiki?
I am currently practicing Reiki purely privately and occasionally by remote treatment. I also have a very regular exchange with a Reiki master.
How does such a remote treatment work?
A remote treatment should only be done in consultation with the client. It is best to arrange a time when the patient can relax on the bed or sofa at home. The Reiki practitioner then treats himself or a proxy doll, here the Reiki symbols are also important.
What advice would you give to readers who are interested in Reiki or even in taking a Reiki training?
To someone who is interested in Reiki, I would recommend to first get a professional treatment in a “Reiki practice” or with a qualified therapist. It is best to first experience this application for yourself.
Many Reiki practices also offer training or even Reiki exchange evenings for practitioners and those interested.
If you are interested in a training, I would compare several offers and best exchange with people who have done a training themselves. As literature I recommend the Reiki Compendium (Lübeck/Petter/Rand), which also deals with serious trainings.
Nowadays there are also some offers to get initiated at a distance. What do you think about this?
I am rather critical about it. I would not recommend a remote initiation.
What is the next step for you?
I could well imagine offering Reiki commercially in my own practice. At the moment I am still thinking about the right time for me to get initiated into the master degree. It makes sense to take this degree only after a few years of practice.

Thanks a lot, Ann-Kristin, and all the best for you!