Yoga and Ayurveda are inseparable. The two sister sciences complement each other perfectly and are an absolute dream team when it comes to keeping body and soul healthy. However, while yoga has become the talk of the town and everyone you meet has tried it at some point, Ayurveda is not yet as widespread.
Many yogis and yoginis are therefore surprised when they hear that Ayurveda is not only health and nutrition advice, but can also be part of the asana practice.
Want to bring a little more Ayurveda to your mat, too? Here are three ideas on how you can practice Ayurvedic yoga!
Based on your constitution

Each person has a unique Ayurvedic constitution, which is made up of the three doshas, or bio-energies. Just as each color is the result of a unique combination of the three primary colors, we are the result of our own unique combination of doshas. You can find out yours by filling out an online test or booking an Ayurvedic consultation. Once you know your constitution, you can take a closer look at what it means for you: what imbalances and ailments are you prone to? What are your strengths? What is particularly good for you? The next time you practice yoga, you can try to prevent any imbalances.
You are an airy Vata type? Perhaps a meditative, grounding practice with asanas close to the ground will do you good.
You are a fiery Pitta type? Challenge yourself to satisfy your ambition, but build in enough relaxation as well.
You’re a grounded Kapha type? Practice creative movement and like to crank up your circulation.
Based on the season

Just like everything else in our lives (yes, everything else!), the seasons affect our constitution and can cause imbalances. Prevent these by practicing asanas, meditations and pranayamas that balance the current dominant dosha.
Spring is mainly Kapha-dominated, the warm summer is under the influence of Pitta, autumn with its wind is assigned to Vata. As soon as winter has arrived and the temperatures are consistently cold, Kapha tends to dominate again.
But always pay attention to the current weather, because a summer that should be warm and sunny, can also be changeable and rainy – then Pitta is not necessarily in the lead.
Always keep your constitution in mind! For example, just because Pitta is dominant, you personally may not need to balance Pitta. If you are dominated by Vata dosha, the warmth may even be very good for you.
Based on the elements

The five Ayurvedic elements – ether or space, air, fire, water and earth – form the basis of your constitution, because the doshas are composed of them. Each element has its own characteristics and qualities. Which of them do you want to connect with today? With the stability of earth, the lightness of air, the flow of water…? Get creative and think about which exercises represent the quality you are longing for right now and get that energy!
Which variation will you try first? Do you even have your own ideas to spice up your yoga sessions with Ayurveda? Share them with me! And read on here if you want to bring Ayurveda not only to your yoga mat, but into your everyday life.