Seven tips on how you can easily integrate Ayurveda into your everyday life.

An ancient Indian healing science and our modern hectic everyday life – sounds almost incompatible? It’s not! What I like most about Ayurveda is its simplicity and individuality. Ayurveda starts exactly where you are and with its huge range of methods it really offers something suitable for everyone.

Here are seven simple tips on how you can easily integrate Ayurveda into your daily life.

Incorporate Ayurvedic routines into your daily life

In Ayurveda, there are several body care rituals which you can add to your morning routine without much effort.

Tongue scraping: You may have noticed a whitish coating on your tongue in the morning. Not only in Ayurvedic, but also in Western medicine, this coating is considered a waste product of nocturnal detoxification processes. If you remove this coating with a tongue scraper, you remove bacteria particularly thoroughly. This can prevent bad breath in the long term and improve gum health. Reason enough to give it a try, right? It’s easy, too: stick out your tongue and drag a tongue scraper (available at any drugstore) over it from back to front. Rinse the scraper and repeat the process until the coating is almost or completely gone. Do not squeeze too hard. Perform tongue scraping every morning before brushing your teeth – soon it will become a habit!

Oil pulling: Craving even more oral hygiene? Oil pulling has numerous benefits, including healthier gums, less plaque, whiter teeth. After you’ve already removed bacteria from your tongue with tongue scraping, oil pulling removes more waste products from your mouth. To do this, simply move a tablespoonful of oil around in your mouth for a few minutes, “pulling” it through your teeth, so to speak, and then spit it out – preferably into a paper towel, which you dispose of in the trash. While you are doing this, you can wonderfully do other things – make your bed, pick out your clothes for the day, put on water for your morning drink. There are several oils that are suitable, such as high-quality sesame oil, but also special oils for oil pulling that make it a little easier for beginners to get started due to their milder taste.

Dry brushing: this routine really gets your circulation going, wakes you up, and also aids in detoxification. Grab a massage brush and give yourself a loving self-massage. Start at the legs and gradually work your way up. Always stroke towards the heart, applying gentle pressure at first. If you wish, you can of course intensify this. Just two to three minutes are enough to unfold the positive effect. Afterwards, take a refreshing shower and you are ready for the day!

Lemon water: A lukewarm water with the juice of half a lemon is not only good for the immune system, but it also boosts your metabolism if you drink it directly in the morning. Of course, you still don’t have to give up your coffee!

Incorporating one of these four tips into your morning routine will only take you a few minutes.

Ayurvedic water

Ayurvedic water is water that has been boiled for several minutes. What does it do? By boiling the water, it changes its structure, it becomes chemically thinner. Digestive residues, called ama in Ayurveda, can be better “flushed away” by Ayurvedic water. Simply boil a larger quantity of water directly in the morning, which you can then fill into a thermos and drink throughout the day.

Find out your own constitution and try out appropriate tips

It will be much more specific if you don’t just try “anything Ayurvedic”, but really deal with yourself and your constitution. This is not only fun, but also helps you personally, because you can now apply tailored tips that fit you exactly. Take an online quiz directly or book an Ayurvedic consultation to find out what kind of Ayurvedic type you are and what is good for you.

Ayurveda based on the seasons

Your skin is rough and dry in winter? You suffer from the heat in summer? Then try season-specific Ayurvedic tips! You can find some good ideas here and here.

Experiment with spices

Hot spices like black pepper or chili really heat you up and get the metabolism going. Turmeric has an anti-inflammatory effect and supports the immune system. Cardamom balances all three doshas. Spices play a major role in Ayurveda, as they all have an effect on the doshas and can therefore help with a wide variety of ailments caused by imbalances. Try incorporating different spices into your cooking and observe how it makes you feel.

Try Chyavanprash

Ayurvedic amla mash is a true immune miracle. Pure or with warm milk, it not only tastes delicious, but boosts your immune system, balances all the doshas, and is considered an antioxidant. I personally also feel it gives me a boost when I have an afternoon slump.

Indulge in massages

Massages play a big role in Ayurveda – not so much to loosen muscles, but rather to massage the healing powers of the herbs contained in the oils into the skin. Depending on what your constitution is, whether you’re currently experiencing discomfort, or what time of year it is, certain types of massage or specific oils will help you. Vata types in particular benefit from regular massages with soothing, warming sesame oil. Treat yourself to this kind of self-care once in a while!

Those were my seven tips for a very simple integration of Ayurveda into your everyday life. Sounds really easy and not intimidating at all, right? Which tip will you try first? I hope you have fun experimenting!

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